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Oversoul Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Do you have an Offical Oversoul Forum that answers many of my in-game questions?
A: Why yes we do! Right here: OVERSOUL FORUM

Q: What is OverSoul?
A: Oversoul is a card based PVP MMO role-playing action game with solo PvE game mechanics to develop your characters.

Q: When will OverSoul be released?
A: OverSoul Beta has been released as of 10/31/12!

Q: Will it be browser based?
A: Yes. There's nothing to download or install.

Q: Will there be PvE (Player versus Environment) or only PvP (Player versus Player)?
A: Yes, you'll develop your characters solo by exploring the world and battling monsters.

Q: Are there pets? Can you customize weapons? Are there different classes?
A: There will be characters that use pets but not in the way you think. Each character in OverSoul is a unique character that you possess. So each character is uniquely self contained, like possessing Artix as a character for example. There will be some customization available through the Leveling Tree, but those customizations will be unique to every single character - none will be exactly the same. This means one character might be able to change their class, weapon, elemental standing, armor or even species. It's all unique to the character you choose to posses.

Q: Who can Alpha test?
A: If you have ever purchased anything for an Artix Entertainment Game and your upgraded account is linked to an Artix (Master) Account, you can Alpha test! We are now in Beta so everyone can play!

Q: How do I make an account to play the game?
A: You will have to have an Artix Entertainment Master Account. If you don't have already, you can create one here. Then you will follow the steps to connect your Artix Master Account to a new OverSoul account.

Q: What if I already have an Artix Master Account but cannot access it?
A: You will need to go to our Help/Support Pages for assistance.

Q: What are SoulGems?
A. SoulGems are OverSoul's special secondary currency - you can purchase them and unlock different reward shops to buy unique items and characters. Purchasing them also helps support the game!

Q. What if I have an Artix Points or SoulGems payment issue?
A. Please visit our Help/Support Pages for assistance with any payment issues

Q. What if I have a technical issue or a bug to report?
A. Please visit our Help/Support Pages for assistance with any technical issues. You should report any bugs to the OVERSOUL FORUM.

Q: How does this game fit in the AE Universe?
A: It is the same Universe but a much darker version geared toward an older audience.

Q: Can I have the same character name as my Artix Master Account name?
A: We strongly advise against that. You want your Artix Master Account to be as secure as possible because if you lose access to your Artix Master Account, you also lose access to any linked game accounts such as EpicDuel and HeroSmash.



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