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New Rank Ups! Soul Gem Sell Back Test

Posted on March 01, 2013 by Nulgath

Game Update v0.6.11

7 New Rank Up Characters! Find out who got Evolutions!

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Thanks to The Sage for helping us test today's release!

Love Weaver

Love Weaver's Return!

For those who missed her last weekend, Love Weaver will return to the Shop for this Weekend Only! Get her before she's gone... again!


Soul Gem Sell Back Testing:

Soul Gems Sellbacks will be available to players that bought the once Overpowered Boss versions of Witchblade and Fiend of Virgill and ONLY if you bought them in the Shop. We need to make sure the sytem will work correctly. Next week we will implement sellbacks for more characters!

To sell the (Boss) Witchblade and Fiend of Virgill, select the character and then click on the little "X" button to the right of the "Equip" button. (But ONLY if you had bought it in the shop for Soul Gems!)

Card Update:

Neutralize Card will require you to only Discard 1 Card in exchange for 10 Energy. ( Used to require Discarding 3 Cards )

Coming Soon!

  • Card Customization.... *crosses fingers even more
  • Unlockable Content
  • There are rumors of an Ogre invasion. Some say they've come to take revenge on their once Orc oppressors!

Head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

Klunk vs. The Orcs! New Orc Lobby!

Posted on March 08, 2013 by Nulgath

Game Update v0.6.14

Klunk was the First Ogre to Defy the Orcs' oppression! Now all Ogres claim Klunk as their Ogre King! The escaped Ogres have begun to rally behind Klunk for revenge on their former rulers!

( If you're wonder why Klunk looks different, find out the reason Here! )

Enjoy Finding 4 New Characters!

  • Ogre
  • Ogre Bandit
  • Orc Raider
  • Orc Pillager

Not all characters Shown Below are Available this Release!



Visit the New Orc Fort Lobby!


Soul Gem Sell Backs

SG Sellbacks has been Delayed to next week.

Rolith: Working very hard on soul sellbacks in oversoul, trying to track down the last bugs... We don't want to put anything live that has long-term issues.

But when it is working, most Characters will be able to be sold back and artifacts will be deletable. Thus far, the only characters you will NOT be able to sell are: ( Skexis, Void Knight, Black Dragon, Void Reaper and Founder. )

More Music by Dilligaf!

New Sleepy Wolf Inn Song Plus New and Updated Music Queues:

  • Victory
  • Defeat
  • Possession
  • Non Possession
  • Level UP!

Unlockable Content Coming Next Week!

In the first Phase, the determining factor for unlocking this locked content will be your lifetime Soul Gem count!

Expirable items are getting a stack increase so players who are out of room can still buy more Xboosts!

You'll be able to purchase more X-Boost artifacts!

Official Oversoul Testers!

Take time to thank our new Oversoul Testers Sage and Asuka for making our releases less buggy! They having been making reports to Warlic and me on all the things we could do to improve Oversoul!

Coming Soon!

  • Unlockable Content
  • SoulGem Sellbacks and Deletable Artifacts
  • Card Customization.... *They promised!

Head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

Rolith's Unlockable Shop!

Posted on March 15, 2013 by Nulgath

Game Update v0.6.16

Unlockable Shop

Oversoul's first Unlockable Lifetime Soul Gem Shop is LIVE. Talk to Rolith in the Solace lobby to learn how to unlock the shop holding the New Pactonal Captain!

5 New Characters!

  • Pactonal Captain
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Other Updates:

  • Character Sell Backs Should be fuctioning as of Monday! You should be able to delete your expired X-boost items as well! Only a few issues to fix.
  • Warlic is revamping the battle engine to be more stable!
  • A couple surprises for you to find!
  • Father Time 2012 wil stay till 2014 where a New Time character will be released!

Coming Soon!

  • Card Customization....

Head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

Broken Sign Up Page Fix!

Posted on March 18, 2013 by Nulgath


Game Update v0.6.17

Sign up Fix

We just discovered the last two months there's been a major bug on the Overesoul sign up page! This hidden bug blocked players from being able to sign up and play! With this now fixed, we're seeing a 20-40% improvement in signups already!

Lifetime X-Boosts

  • Lifetime X-Boost Artifact prices have been increased from 10 to 12 Soul Gems.
  • The stack size should be increased by 10

Coming Soon!

  • Card Customization is officially top priority now!

MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution!

Posted on March 29, 2013 by Nulgath

Game Update v0.6.18

Oversoul Beta Revolution!

Hello Oversoul Players!

You may be wondering to yourself, where's the Oversoul release?

As you heard a couple weeks ago, there was a huge bug blocking new users from being able to sign up and play Oversoul. This was a critical blow to our game but thankfully it was fixed and Oversoul is getting new attention because of it. That's where the Oversoul Beta Revolution comes in. There will be no release this week because Oversoul is going through a MAJOR evolution.

I'm changing a ton of the interface to be more intuitive and easy to understand. I'm also implementing a bunch of new special FX animations to give everything more polish. Warlic is hard at work on the New battle engine which is much more streamlined and will address a lot of the problems you've probably experienced in your battles. Rolith is working on the giant task of card customization which will introduce booster card packs and new card abilities.

The completly new interface and engine will be our release for next Friday. There's a lot of work to be done! Stay tuned!


Coming Soon!

  • Ovesoul Beta Revolution
  • Card Customization
  • 2nd Oversoul Character Suggestion Contest!


Read the Announcements Archive Below

Now head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

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