Player Suggestion Contest & Father Time!
Posted on January 04, 2013 by Nulgath
Father Time 2012 Legendary!

Game Update v0.5.42
- Father Time 2012 can be found in the wild and has a Veteran and Master form. If you don't have "Time" to search for and capture him, his Master form can be purchased directly in the shop.
Player Suggestion Contest!
Over the week we scoured the submissions from you players and we're amazed at the talent out there. Not just art wise but conceptually and story wise. I see a lot of future creators out there for games, stories, movies... the entertainment industry in general! Keep creating!
We had planned to release some character submissions this week but ran short on time. Rev should have the Darkon Drago character done and I'll animate him next week!
Out of the Six entries 1st and 2nd places will be made into Characters for Oversoul!
Go to the Oversoul Forums and cast your vote now!

Coming Soon!
While the core features of the game are being developed like: Card Customization, Stats, Artifacts, Friends List etc... get ready to enter Oversoul's first dungeon being worked on for the comming weeks! Things this will include are:
- Quests Chains!
- Dungeons hidden away on the World Map for you to find and Explore!
- Improved Computer AI
- Boss Fights!
- Item Drops!
- Random Encounters on the Map and in Dungeons!
This is projected to be released before the end of the month.
Head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.