Update: LEVELING and Battle Rewards!
Posted on October 05, 2012 by Nulgath
Finally we're getting to the good stuff, core game machanics! Look for these features to be implemented sometime after 4pm EST today!
Battle Rewards
You'll be able to get gold and experience from your PvE battles!
Level Ups
Gain enough experience from your PvE battles and level up! Each character you possess can level up to Level 20! Right now this will only increase your Life Points. I know some of you will be glad to have more than 15 HP.
In Game Screenshots
This is a fun extra feature we added on this week. You'll see a camera Icon
on your screen, when pressed, it will screen capture your game and allow you to post it to a social media! That's right, post your victories for all to see... actually you've already done that to Nulgath, Dilligaf and Klunk and we appreciate that... -_-'
Other updates include:
- UI improvements and graphic tweaks.
- Player reports can be triggered from the target that you see when you click on another character.
- Bug Fixes: Found an issue that allowed inappriote words to get through the chat filter - this has been fixed, other gameplay bugs are being addressed on a rolling basis.
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Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.