Artix Entertainment

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Update: LEVELING and Battle Rewards!

Posted on October 05, 2012 by Nulgath

Finally we're getting to the good stuff, core game machanics! Look for these features to be implemented sometime after 4pm EST today!


Battle Rewards

You'll be able to get gold and experience from your PvE battles!


Level Ups

Gain enough experience from your PvE battles and level up! Each character you possess can level up to Level 20! Right now this will only increase your Life Points. I know some of you will be glad to have more than 15 HP.


In Game Screenshots

This is a fun extra feature we added on this week. You'll see a camera Icon on your screen, when pressed, it will screen capture your game and allow you to post it to a social media! That's right, post your victories for all to see... actually you've already done that to Nulgath, Dilligaf and Klunk and we appreciate that... -_-'


Other updates include:

  • UI improvements and graphic tweaks.
  • Player reports can be triggered from the target that you see when you click on another character.
  • Bug Fixes: Found an issue that allowed inappriote words to get through the chat filter - this has been fixed, other  gameplay bugs are being addressed on a rolling basis.

Now head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

XP Boost, Bug Fixes & Charge Card Update

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Nulgath

I know you all we're anxious about the Character Tree. While it is almost ready, it still needs testing.

Updates to Look for Today:

  • Rank ups are almost ready but needs more testing.
  • Battle experience is multiplied by 10
  • Charge Special will now affect Unblockables
  • Bug fixed an issue with the "refresh" skill too it wasn't allowing them to select a defense card to heal
  • Camera shakes implemented on death animations

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

The Alpha Character Tree is Released!

Posted on October 19, 2012 by Nulgath
It's finally here! The anticpated Character Tree! Now you can use the levels you've acumulated and rank up your characters to a new look and new cards! Also, ONE new master will be available:


Pikeman Commander


Updates to Look for Today:

  • Character tree is functional up to veteran. ( One Master character is available )
  • Find new characters on the map!
  • New special cards available on Veterans and Master.
  • New character element Earth will be available!

More Masters Released Today

Posted on October 26, 2012 by Nulgath

We are releasing a couple more masters today so look for those. You can also find the male Octoberfest character today.



Masters to Look for Today:

  • Shadow Pikeman
  • Pikeman Mercenary
  • Octoberfest Male ( Augustiner )

Appearance Lock Test

You will be able to lock your appearance but there's still bugs to be worked out.

  • Other players will not be able to see your locked appeearance
  • Your look will reset after logging out

Bug Fixes:

  • A ton of stability fixes and level up fixes!

Become a FOUNDER!

Posted on October 26, 2012 by Nulgath

Support the game by buying any package and you will become a Founder. (LImited time only) You will become a founder if you buy any package... but, If you buy the BIG Soul Gem Package you'll also receive the Black Dragon!

Black Dragon For Founders

What is a Soul Gem?

They are extremely valuable gems that unlock things in the game. We wanted to make SoulGems ultra vauable in this game, so it takes a lot less of them to do things. In fact, 1 SoulGem is as valuable as 50 AdventureCoins or 50 Artix Points!

OverSoul Chatting


Posted on October 31, 2012 by Nulgath

Oversoul is now open to all players! Hit the play button above, and login using your Artix Entertainment "One Login to Rule Them All!"

OverSoul BETA has begun!

It's been a long journey but we are finally here! The game still has a long way to go but we are making so much progress now. I'm proud of how far Oversoul has come and look forward to developing my game further with more features and gamplay elements! This is my passion! I have and awesome team to work with: Warlic, Rolith, Klunk, Dilligaf, and Revontheus.



  • Most Veterans now have their Master Rank Unlocked. All Starter character Masters are Free!
  • Skexis & Alpha Pirate has been removed. Alpha Pirate will return next Talk Like a Pirate Day!
  • Stress tester will recieve a reward soon!
  • With the Master Rank comes more Special Cards! Have fun

Void in OverSoul


Head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

Read the Announcements Archive Below

Now head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

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