Artix Entertainment

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Oversoul is a free online PVP Battle Card MMO that plays right inside your browser! Collect cards by battling over 190 monsters and other players in turn-based combat. Cut the deck and hit’em hard in high-score leaderboard tournaments... because the most important game to play when your luck runs high is the one where you possess all the cards!

  • Free to play right in your browser (no downloads or installs)
  • Card Game Battle System
  • Multiplayer Role Playing Game
  • Defeat monsters for a chance to possess them
  • Battle computer controlled monsters or other players
  • Unlock additional content with Soul Gems

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.



Card Customization Tomorrow!

Posted on May 02, 2013 by Nulgath

Are you excited? I know we are! We have some more details for you to anticipate!

Customization Cards will have a star rating system. What does this mean? It means 2 of the same type of card can have different percentages of power! Ofcourse, the better the rating the more rare the chance of getting it will be! This will further the variety of cards you have access to. Oh yes, things are getting deep with this system.

Also, look for 2 completely new card specials in the Ice Deck Series tomorrow!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.


Vote For Revontheus!

Posted on May 01, 2013 by Nulgath

As some of you know Revontheus has entered a Photo contest and needs your likes so he can win the prize! Please support your fovorite Oversoul Artist Rev! Revontheus has worked on and contributed his pro work to Oversoul for over a year now because he believes in it's success! Let us repay him for his awesome art! Currently, he's in 2nd place. Lets launch him to 1st! Let's show our Gratitude!

Cast your LIKE NOW!

If he wins Rev will give the character Rainbowtheus shown below to all players for FREE!



Email News Letter Mistake!

Posted on April 30, 2013 by Nulgath

Hey Oversoul Players,

Just wanted to clarify about the upcoming cards releasing with Card Customization. There has been a major mix up on terminology of the upcoming cards, there will be 1 series releasing this Friday not 10.

Card Terminology Explained

  • Card Series: Cards will be released in what is called a Series. Each Series will consist of up to 12 cards.
  • Card Packs: You'll be able to purchase cards 5 at a time from these Card Series. Each time you purchase from the Card Series you will randomly be given 5 cards from the series.
  • Themed Series: The card series will have themes. This Friday's theme will be the Ice Series. More Card Series will be released once we know Card Customization is stable!

Stay Tuned!


Card Customization Coming this Friday!

Posted on April 30, 2013 by Nulgath

Card Customization

You heard correct! It's coming this friday! I've tested it out and it will change the way you play Oversoul completely!


High Queen of Frost Coming Soon!

Finally, the characters you have all been waiting for are set for release in the coming weeks. The High Queen of Frost's apprentice, Veteran and Master will be released this Friday! If I can find time, the Legendary form below will be released this week too. If not, it'll definitely release next week! So much to Epic to do!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.


Cosoma Master Coming this Friday!

Posted on April 29, 2013 by Nulgath

Cosoma will be getting a new rank this Friday! Be sure to capture this elusive beast so you can turn it into the upgraded version by Rev: Cosoma Titan!

Cosoma Titan


Tharr the Barbarian!

Posted on April 28, 2013 by Nulgath

Remember this barbarian made by Revontheus last year? He's now available in Oversoul! Capture the Trainee and Rank him up to Tharr the Barbarian!

Tharr the Barbarian!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.


Blood Ranger & Arcane Ranger in Game!

Posted on April 27, 2013 by Nulgath

Have you found your Rangers yet? Two different flavors to pick from who both pack some serious POWER! Be sure to grab them both now in Oversoul!

Blood Ranger: An offensive powerhouse! She may not have much defense but she makes up for in direct damage and damage over time! Keep your enemy on the defense with this Ranger!

Arcane Ranger: The first character to mix both Neutral and Storm Elements! Hit your enemies with a barrage of arrows as well as bolts of lightning from the sky!


TWELVE New Epic Characters are LIVE!

Posted on April 26, 2013 by Nulgath

Game Update v0.7.8

12 of some of the most powerful and sought after characters I'd been saving have been released! Some are capturable on the Overworld map and Nightmare Dungeon and some are Rankups!

Be sure to also talk to Malakai in the Town Lobby to get some of your New Epic Characters!

  1. The anticipate: Overfiend Blade
  2. Dire Monk
  3. Tharr the Barbarian
  4. High Templar
  5. Arcane Ranger
  6. Ice Matron
  7. Void Incarnate Male
  8. Void Incarnate Female
  9. Shadow Void
  10. Fiend Blade
  11. Dark Incarnate
  12. Blood Ranger

Card Customization

Next week Card Customization! *crosses finger.  Interface and card art is ready. Just need the programming to get done.


Below are the user interface mockups!

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.


12 Epic Characters Releasing Tomorrow!

Posted on April 25, 2013 by Nulgath

Yes that's right TWELVE NEW characters are set to go LIVE this Friday.

The Templar is one of the 12 you'll have available! Are you ready to Smash Evil into Dust? With the Templar you will be!


Blade of Nulgath Coming this Friday!

Posted on April 24, 2013 by Nulgath

Remember this guy from a couple years ago? It will be yours for the taking in Oversoul this Friday! I'm not saving anything anymore! It's going to be all epicness from this point on! The characters you've been waiting on are coming!

Card customization should be ready next week. The UI is almost done. Will post screenshots later. Stay tuned!




Dire Monk Coming this Friday!

Posted on April 23, 2013 by Nulgath

Dire Monk

The Shaolin Monk will be getting this Dire Monk as his Rank Up this Friday! Do you have the Shaolin Monk yet?

"There cannot be light without the shadow." The Dire Monk will be Neutral and take on some the attributes of Shadow to imbue his Powers.

Many other characters also coming this FRIDAY!


Congratulations to Dante and the Top 100

Posted on April 21, 2013 by Nulgath


1st Oversoul Tournament Completed!

Oversoul's First Tournament has Ended and the results are in!

Dante, is our Winner! He will have his statue and name put into the Oversoul Lobby and the Top 100 will be put onto our wall of Champions!

You all fought well and in the process shined a light on many things for us to improve! Everyone that participated in the tournament will be receiving a small reward! Stay Tuned for details!



OVERSOUL Tournament!

Posted on April 19, 2013 by Nulgath

Battle in this weekend’s PvP card game Tournament!

Enter our 1st ever Tournament! Winner gets a statue of their character in town. Top 100 players get immortalized on the wall of champions. The slaughterfest begins today Friday, April 19th @ 4pm EST and the carnage ends on Sunday, April 21st at 8pm EST. Think you have what it takes to be in the top 100? Or do you just want to hunt the players on the top 100 list to slow them down and ruin their winning streak? This tournament is open to ALL players. To compete, simply battle random players using the “BATTLE: Player” button. You know, the big red shiny one at the bottom of the screen. Every win will bring you closer to the ultimate 1st place price…. And if you do achieve 1st place on the leader board at the end of the tournament a statue of you constructed in the main town!


  • Happening in-game at
  • BEGINS Friday, April 19st at 4pm EST
    ENDS Sunday, April 21st at 8pm EST
  • Win battles vs random players using the Battle: Player button to rise in rank
  • #1 Player will have a statue of them placed in town
    (Statue will remain prominently in town until it is gloriously moved to the upcoming Hall of Champions, immortalizing the winner for all time.)
  • Top 100 players will also be immortalized on a web page called the Wall of Champions for everyone to see.
  • Cheats/Hackers/Exploiters will be disqualified
  • “Disconnects” are being tracked. High numbers of disconnects from battles will cause players to be disqualified.
  • The game is in Beta and we are doing this for no other reason than it is something cool for all of you battle hungry Oversoul Players… so when problems inevitably happen, or things do not go as well as we would like, remember the age old battle cry: “THIS IS… A BETA TEST!”


Phase 2: Beta Revolution for Evolution

Posted on April 18, 2013 by Nulgath

Game Update v0.7.4

  • 2 Characters Released
  • Card Customization is in testing phase. Scheduled for release next Week... if things don't explode...
  • Couple more UI updates releasing tomorrow!


Hello everyone -
It has been a busy week for bug fixes in oversoul!

Version 0.7.4 is the latest version of the game. The following issues have been fixed in this version:

* Game Version 0.7.4


  • The bug causing empty hands in battle has been isolated and fixed.
  • Iron Hide and Cat Reflex now play together nicely.
  • Iron Hide has been significantly modified to prevent battle
    desyncs. Of all skills in the game, iron hide is officially
    dubbed, Oversoul's "problem child".
  • You can now select cards for discard during your enemy's turn
  • Clicking draw or charge element too quickly no longer causes the
    game to freeze
  • Card-modifying Icons for Blessed strike now drawn appropriately when
    modifying an attack card
  • When you have more than one page of Friends, the scroll button
    now lets go of your mouse when you are finished scrolling.
  • Cat Reflex Icons show on Enemy now - since it is a DoT, it is being
    handled as one.
  • Multiple Renews used at once only 1 HoT icon is displayed
  • Easier enemies now appear in the starting town to allow new
    players a safe place to learn how to play.

For more information about previous version fixes please refer to the following post:

Versions 0.7.3 - 0.7.4

Rolith Notes:

Server side changes:

  • Duels no longer count on the leader board.
  • Added functionality to improve PVP matchmaking, first improvements: Players will only fight characters within 10 levels of theirs (should dramatically improve low level PVP enjoyment).
  • Underpinnings of customizable card decks implemented but not ready for release.


Coming Soon!

  • Card Customization
  • Leader Boards
  • 2nd Oversoul Character Suggestion Contest

Phase 1: Beta Revolution for Evolution

Posted on April 11, 2013 by Nulgath

Here's the first phase of out Beta Revolution!

Game Update v0.7.00

  • New Lobby Interface
  • New World Map Interface
  • New Card Art
  • New Battle Screen Interface
  • New more stable game engine.
  • Damage and hitpoints multiplied by x100. ( This is for the benefit of Stats and Artifacts that will give boosts )
  • New Lobby Music.
  • New Tutorials

Coming Soon!

  • Card Customization
  • Leader Boards
  • 2nd Oversoul Character Suggestion Contest

Oversoul Revolution Progress!

Posted on April 09, 2013 by Nulgath

Just a quick update on the progress of the whole redesign of Oversoul. The engine is coming along great! Less bugs, better performance. Rolith is chugging along on card customization! I've been busy with the new graphic through out the game! It's been a lot of work but inspiring work. I'm leveling up!

Will post more updates as they things are completed! Stay tuned!

Here's something I drew up last night and the new log in screen:

If Oversoul was a Car...

Posted on April 04, 2013 by Nulgath

Hail Oversoul Player!

As you know we are taking Oversoul to the next level! This time, instead of leaving you in the dark, we are going to keep you informed along our whole journey of taking Oversoul through this evolution!


Instead of painting ourselves in a corner of not pregressing the actual gameplay because we're too busy creating small releases each week, we've decided to hone in on devloping the key game features of OS that will make it the complete game I set out to make. If Oversoul was a car you wanted to improve, you would start by working on the engine, making it faster, stronger and better. You wouldn't just give it a fresh coat of paint and say it's done because it looks shiny on the outside. I feel like that's what we've been doing without knowing it. Making the outside of the car look nice while the engine was riddled with problems.

Game Engine

This is the key factor right now. As you saw last week, the art I created for the new user interfaces are done but the functionality of those interfaces are not. Warlic is working on the new and improved OS game engine. Although, this will fix a lot of current problems with battle, as to be expected, the new engine does not mesh well with other parts of the game. Those other parts are used to the old buggy battle engine. This is the domino effect of coding one way then going back and changing something so key to the game. This has to be fixed or we are simply replacing one set of problems with another.

Work, Work, WORK!

In ending we have a lot left to do. Although it was planned that the new interfaces would be ready this Friday, it will be pushed to next friday. Just to give you an idea what our programmer Warlic has to work on, he presented me with his fix list. If you didn't feel a part of the development of OS, now you will! Enjoy!


Author: U-Warlic-PC\Warlic
Date: 2013-04-04 15:26:37 EDT

Table of Contents
1 Bugs
1.1 The following bugs are all caused by the old UI system.  My current UI
1.1.1 3) Counter, Cat Reflexes and Iron Hide icons not displaying in upper left/right corner when used.
1.1.2 30) clicking on draw cards to soon after your turn starts (before the timer starts) it freezes the game - -UI BUG - Will fix in UI overhaul
1.1.3 33) Refresh Icons do not display properly - it marks all defenses as heals (this is visual only - in reality, only one is actually converted to a heal - as per intended functionality). -UI BUG - Will fix in UI overhaul
1.1.4 Blessed Strike enhancement missasignment
2 Current Status of the new UI
2.1 Behavior-based conversion refactoring
2.2 Outstanding base functionality
3 Status indicator Icons
4 Core Battle Engine
1 Bugs
1.1 The following bugs are all caused by the old UI system.  My current UI
overhal should address the following bugs:
1.1.1 3) Counter, Cat Reflexes and Iron Hide icons not displaying in upper left/right corner when used.
Icons are not yet implemented - UI BUG - Will fix in UI overhaul
1.1.2 30) clicking on draw cards to soon after your turn starts (before the timer starts) it freezes the game - -UI BUG - Will fix in UI overhaul
1.1.3 33) Refresh Icons do not display properly - it marks all defenses as heals (this is visual only - in reality, only one is actually converted to a heal - as per intended functionality). -UI BUG - Will fix in UI overhaul
1.1.4 Blessed Strike enhancement missasignment
1) when you use blessed strike the unblockable status gets added to
the first normal damage card it can be applied to
2) if you use might on a normal damage card first then blessed strike
on another the unblockabe status gets added on to the might card
making it unblockable and getting +6 damage
3) the game can bug out if the might+blessed boosted card combo kills
your opponant before the game resyncs on your next turn
2 Current Status of the new UI
2.1 Behavior-based conversion refactoring
I am basically recoding the entire system for queueing and playing
cards.  The new system is behavior-based as opposed to state-based and
should allow for more flexible custom UI behaviors as we add different
cards that can do different things.
2.2 Outstanding base functionality
I have the following outstanding functionality to recode before
getting the UI back to its old base functionality
1) Transformation Icons (when playing cards that convert other cards
intodifferent types - for instance defense to heal, attack to
unblockable, etc...
2) Modifier types:  When cards add bonus values to cards,  the
modifier text appears on the card.
The following card behaviors still need to be recoded:
1) Multiple Discards - cards that require more than one Discard.
2) Charge - Adds bonus to all attacks
3) Strike - Convert an attack to Unblockable
4) refresh - Convert a dedfense to heal
5) need to reimplemented discards too - (discard through the (x) button)
Once I get through the recoding of these core behaviors,  we can
start the reskinning process for the battle UI.  The reskin will
probably take a little time because of the new animations and I am
not sure if the custom card interfaces are supposed to act the same
or not...
3 Status indicator Icons
The status indicator icons (icons that show dot duration, reflect,
etc...) are not yet ported over to the new battle
system. This should go quickly once I get around to it.
4 Core Battle Engine
The core battle engine has been completely replaced by the new engine
on dev.  - The new battle engine has vasty improved card processing
and things that have always been inherently buggy, such as counter
strike and iron hide now function properly.  The new system is also a
lot more flexible for adding new card behaviors - so moving forward,
we should be able to introduce new card types into the game with
minimal trouble.

Coming Soon!

  • Ovesoul Beta Revolution
  • Card Customization
  • 2nd Oversoul Character Suggestion Contest

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