Artix Entertainment

6185 Players Online 61430 Players during last 24 Hours


Oversoul is a free online PVP turn-based combat Battle Card MMO game that plays right inside your browser! Collect cards by battling over 190 monsters and other players in turn-based combat. Cut the deck and hit’em hard in high-score leaderboard tournaments... because the most important game to play when your luck runs high is the one where you possess all the cards!

  • Free to play right in your browser (no downloads or installs)
  • Card Game Battle System
  • Multiplayer Role Playing Game
  • Defeat monsters for a chance to possess them
  • Battle computer controlled monsters or other players
  • Unlock additional content with Soul Gems

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.



Battle Gems is LIVE!

Posted on March 18, 2014 by Nulgath

Battle Gems goes LIVE on Apple App Store!

It just went live! Be the first to play our 1st major mobile game, AdventureQuest: Battle Gems! It is available right now for free on Apple’s App Store

Get BattleGems on the App Store! 

The team and I are really proud to be releasing Battle Gems for you. As our first major mobile game, it took over 6 months to draw, animate, code and write the 450+ joke & pun filled levels for you. We think you will agree that it is our most crazy, addictive and fun game yet! Get Battle Gems and please help us spread the word. (P.S. We are working on the Android version as you read this.)

Battle Gems Screenshots 

Battle Gems Features

  • Over-the-top fantasy Puzzle/RPG
  • 150+ monsters including BrutalCorn, Octobear and more!
  • 450+ quests to Mount Death Dread Doom Skull
  • 250+ items
  • Every item you collect increases your total power!
  • Fully customizable character
  • Crazy monsters, epic battles, and… horrible puns (but get it anyway)

Battle Gems Founder!

Limited Time Offer: Become a Founder!

Now is your only chance to become a Battle Gems Founder! Support the game during this launch and UNLOCK EVERYTHING with a one-time payment that is cheaper than a Pizza. …and our game comes with “extra-cheese” at no extra charge. Purchase the Founder Package during this limited time offer for $9.99, you shall receive:

  • UNLIMITED turns! (Yeah. Unlimited. In your face Crushy Candy game!)
  • Exclusive Dragon Knight Armor, Weapon, Wings & Helm
  • Permanent Gold boost
  • The Skeleton Key
  • AdventureQuest Worlds MMO exclusive - Dragon Knight CLASS, Armor, 2 Helms, 3 Capes, & 2 Weapons

BattleGems Founder Details 

Battle Gems is already getting GREAT REVIEWS!

Thank you so much to everyone giving the game five stars to us on the app store. Battle Gems has been getting amazing feedback and reviews -- check out this KILLER game review from the game review site, Game Skinny! The humor is spot-on perfect "AE" and Battle Gems has the highest quality and most consistant art. I am really proud of the team, the testers, and our online community for all of the long and hard work that went into creating this amazing game. Thank you guys!!! We are working hard on the Android and other ports. Even if you cannot play yet, please help us spread the word! Each day this week we will be releasing a new Battle Gems video... and this weekend, "The Gems" will be heading to the MegaCon convention in Orlando, Florida to run around and cause trouble. BATTLE GEM ON!

Battle Gems... Kitty is Disolving.. HURRY! 

Do not forge to LIKE the BattleGems Facebook page!







Water Contest Winners!

Posted on March 13, 2014 by Nulgath

Water Contest Suggestion Winners!

For the Art contest, Congratulations to "That One Guy"  

For the writing contest, "DidYouKNowThat"

Both suggestions will be worked on, animated and placed into the Oversoul Game!






Dilligaf's 8-bit Oversoul Theme Song!

Posted on March 10, 2014 by Nulgath

Dilligaf and Klunk are the original creators of the Oversoul music and sounds FX. Here's Dilligaf's old school game version of the Oversoul Theme song! Good stuff!






Contest Voting has Started!

Posted on March 04, 2014 by Nulgath

Cast your VOTES!

Art Submission

Back Story Submissions






Oversoul Water Element Character Contest!

Posted on February 20, 2014 by Nulgath

OS's 4th Character Suggestion Contest

This time we are looking for only Water based characters for submissions. If it's not water, it won't be considered... there will be TWO winners for two separate types of entries:

  • Character Art design!
  • Character Backstory!

You have until next friday to submit your Art and/or Backstory suggestions. Here's how:

  • You can submit your entries on the Oversoul Forum!
  • You can also Tweet Nulgath on the Twitters with the hashtag #Oversoul ( Don't forget, if you don't add the hashtag #Oversoul, chances are I won't be able to find it in the flood of twitter feeds.)

You can submit as much as you like. I'll looks through as many as I possibly can. Once we have chosen the art and backstories, you the player community, will vote for your favorite in each category. Voting will last 1 week. The Art and Story suggestions with the most votes will be designed, animated and put into Oversoul!

Once we have chosen the entries for you to vote on, we will set the ending date for the voting! Stay Tuned!


Coming Soon!

  • Your favorite AQW Characters and Monster coming to OS!





Valentine's Day and Slimey Wormy Things!

Posted on February 12, 2014 by Nulgath

Character Release:

  • Aphrodite
  • Love Machine
  • Lepid
  • Slime
  • ???

Card Custom Element Rotation:

  • Ice and Shadow

Coming Soon!

  • 4th Oversoul Elemental Specific Contest
  • Your favorite AQW Characters and Monster coming to OS!





Next Week: Slimey and Wormy Things!

Posted on February 07, 2014 by Nulgath

Battle Gems will not LEGO of Overoul's programmers! With Battle Gems being taking priority again, the OS release had to be delayed. Battle Gems is scheduled to be submitted to Apple today and then starts the wait for Apple's Approval. Wish us luck!

Character Release:

  • Lepid
  • Slime

Coming Soon!

  • 4th Oversoul Elemental Specific Contest
  • Your favorite AQW Characters and Monster coming to OS!




Announcement Archives Below

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